The KPI Programme indicator dashboards are currently unavailable due to maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. >Ngā mihi, the KPI Programme team.

Child and Youth wait times data dashboard now live

The new mental health and addiction services Wait times indicator is now live on the KPI Programme website.

The Wait times indicator is the first to be developed for the Child and Youth stream in the new data dashboard and provides visualisation tools to explore rangatahi DHB service access data collected in the Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD).

Wait times provide valuable insights into how quickly rangatahi can access these services when it is identified they and their whānau need support to address mental health and addiction challenges.

Sector feedback highlighted that wait times are a priority for a range of different mental health and addiction services across Aotearoa. As a result, the team have intentionally included functionality in the new dashboards for users to be able to select different team types and age groups from infants through to older people.

There is still work to be done, and the KPI Programme team will be continuing to refine the dashboards based on sector feedback, while progressing the development of other indicators.

If you have any questions about the new wait times indicator, or require support to access or use the data dashboard tools, please do not hesitate to contact the team at

Please remember that you must be a registered user of the KPI Programme website to access the data dashboard. You can register by visiting the Programme website and clicking the ‘Login/Register’ button at the top of the homepage.

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