What a year! The KPI Programme team are certain everyone is excited and looking forward to their summer break, and bidding farewell to another challenging year. Having a team spread across both Kirikiriroa and Tāmaki Makaurau, we empathise with everyone who has had to adapt through such extended pandemic restrictions.
Once again, COVID-19 played a significant part in determining how we were able to engage as a Programme in 2021, with 100 per cent of our events happening in a virtual space. This did not deter you all. In fact it meant the Programme could connect and improve accessibility to whole new groups in our mental health and addiction workforce, and deliver more regular benchmarking events.
While we continue in our pursuit to bring everyone together face to face once more, we will be guided by the Covid-19 Protection Framework (traffic light system) and the pressure on our health system of COVID-19 in 2022. Given the emergence of the Omicron and in response to requests from the sector, the March 2022 all of Programme forum will be postponed to 8 November 2022.
KPI Programme leaders are still committed to delivering a nationwide virtual benchmarking forum in March 2022, so please check the Events page in the New Year for the most up to date details on the agenda for this event.
Despite persistent disruptions from the pandemic, the KPI Programme has achieved some significant milestones. The following are just some of the highlights for the KPI Programme team in 2021:
- New KPI Programme website launched in March 2021
- Data dashboard visualisation tools developed for four indicators, including Acute inpatient post-discharge community care (aka 7-day follow-up), Acute inpatient 28-day readmission rates, Wait times and Seclusion
- 159 sector meetings, workshops, forums and benchmarking breakouts
- Confirmed extension of funding to progress indicator development for NGOs, Adult and Youth Forensic mental health services in 2022
- Commenced a project in partnership with three DHBs and Mārama Real-Time Feedback to expand the 7-day follow-up indicator with tāngata whai ora experience data.
Most of all, 2021 has allowed the KPI Programme to create strong foundations to support the upcoming changes to the health sector and build on opportunities identified by the sector to enhance the reach and range of resources available in their continuous improvement kete.
Nothing would have been possible without your support and dedication throughout the year, and we would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has contributed to the progress of the KPI Programme in 2021. We wish you and your whānau a safe and restful break, you certainly deserve it. We are looking forward to collaborating with you all in 2022!
Meri Kirihemete.
The KPI Programme team