From 22 March, the KPI Programme will be delivering it’s inaugural Super Benchmarking Week. An opportunity for people working in and with the mental health and addiction sector to collaborate, innovate, enable and promote to keep driving continuous improvement and equitable health outcomes for tāngata whai ora, whānau and communities.
Whether you find yourself needing some inspiration; or you’d like to create space to nourish your inner data nerd; the Super Benchmarking Week line up of keynote speakers, presenters and benchmarking sessions won’t disappoint.
The KPI Programme appreciates that Super Benchmarking Week comes at a time of great pressure on the health system. The event has been deliberately designed not to add to this pressure. Just to provide options for people who may need some time out, or who are isolating at home and would like to connect with others throughout the motu with similar interests.
Alongside nourishing presentations, the Programme will be launching its first ever NGO indicator data dashboard visualisation tools. The ‘Continuity of Care’ indicator has been a labour of love for the NGO stream over the past 12 months and has been developed using PRIMHD data to measure the levels of continuity of care between DHB and NGO mental health services for tāngata whai ora who access acute inpatient DHB services.
This is important because tāngata whai ora report experiencing inconsistencies in care when engaging with both DHB and NGO services. For use by DHBs and NGOs, this initial indicator serves as a marker to inspire reflection and learning to continually improve the quality of services and integrated practices to contribute to better wellbeing outcomes for tāngata whai ora.
Over the next quarter, the KPI Programme will be progressing development of the Whānau Engagement indicator. International literature suggests the indicator is the first of its kind and offers Aotearoa New Zealand the opportunity to lead the world in continuous improvement related to how services work in partnership with whānau. The indicator and its associated data visualisation tools will be informed and shaped by the mental health and addiction sector through dedicated wānanga over the coming months, starting with a Whānau Advisor facilitated session open to everyone on Thursday 24 March during Super Benchmarking Week.
While the Whānau Engagement indicator will continue to evolve with time, an important starting point for the sector will be strengthening data collection related to how and when whānau are engaged during a person’s care. Mandatory changes to PRIMHD collection requirements from 1 July 2022 will enable services across the motu to create a more comprehensive record of whānau involvement in any context and will be central to the success of monitoring changes over time through the KPI Programme.
Analysis shows several services are still working on implementing the PRIMHD collection changes in practice to improve our Whānau Engagement data, so we have included some useful resources in this Issue of The Indicator to support this journey. Wild Bamboo (the KPI Programme’s technical partners) are experts when it comes to understanding PRIMHD collection and are always happy to connect and share their knowledge where it is needed.