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The voices of all will compel us forward in the right direction

The voices of all will compel us forward in the right direction. This emerged as a pivotal theme during the inaugural KPI Programme Super Benchmarking Week and is why this issue of The Indicator is dedicated to showcasing the multitude of people who shared their experiences, learnings and examples of how data, information and benchmarking is being used to inform and transform services and systems across Aotearoa.

For anyone who missed the event, or would like to watch their favourite presentation again, all recorded Super Benchmarking Week sessions are now available via the Resources page on the KPI Programme website.

Sector stakeholders often tell us they can lose momentum after big events where ideas are fresh and energy is high. The korero during Super Benchmarking Week was nourishing and inspiring and has informed a number of actions the Programme will be progressing over the coming months. Find out where you can contribute your passion and interest to continuing this important mahi through the many Programme engagement opportunities highlighted in the newsletter.

Click here to read the newsletter