Australia and New Zealand Consumer Experience and Leadership in Health Summit
Australasia’s inaugural consumer health summit is going virtual, putting this high impact event in reach of a wider audience within Australia, New Zealand and worldwide.
Consumers as leaders in healthcare will be a central theme of this first Australian and New Zealand Consumer Experience and Leadership in Health Summit.
CHF Summit 2021: Shifting Gears will draw together consumers and other leaders from the health sector, to explore the latest research and developments which drive health towards a consumer-centered culture.
Due to the many quality abstracts submitted, we have expanded our program from four to six streams. Now you can select from Consumers as Researchers, Consumer-Based Health Care, Consumers Leadership, Consumer Enablement or focus on two specialist streams, one for presentations covering COVID -19 and the other specifically targeted to a New Zealand-focused audience. View the conference program.
Successful health strategies, policies, research and programs depend on consumers involvement at each stage of development.
The online format will ensure maximum real-time participation by consumer and health leaders in all plenary and concurrent sessions, access to networking and chat rooms and to conference papers, live Q&A and video on demand during and after the event. Register now.
The conference will include speakers from around the world. In line with the consumer leadership theme, a feature will be the Big Idea Forum. Facilitated by ABC TV presenter, Ellen Fanning, participants will have the stage to screen and discuss videos of their Big Ideas to improve the health system.
Key topics include: Recruiting, engaging and supporting consumer leaders at the local level. Patient and service activation and health literacy. Consumer perspectives on value in health care. Benefits of health consumer engagement and leadership. Collaborative practice and co-design of services. Consumer collaboration in research.
Conference attendance charges are:
Principal Sponsors of the Shifting Gears summit: Australian Department of Health, Australian Digital Health Agency and NSW Health and the Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care.
Sponsor of the Big Ideas Forum is CSIRO.
Wednesday 17 March 2021
Pre Conference Masterclass
Time: 1.00pm – 5.00pm
Thursday 18 March 2021
Day One Conference
Time: 8.45am – 7.00pm
Friday 19 March 2021
Day Two Conference
Time: 9.00am – 5.00pm