The KPI Programme indicator dashboards are currently unavailable due to maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. >Ngā mihi, the KPI Programme team.

New seclusion data dashboards now live!

Seclusion indicators provide valuable insights into the frequency and duration of seclusion events in Aotearoa’s DHB acute mental health inpatient services. The new dashboards have been developed in consultation with the mental health and addiction sector, and tāngata whai ora representatives to help inform continuous improvement initiatives that progress least restrictive practice objectives across the motu.

More than 100 sector stakeholders told us that when using seclusion measures for continuous improvement, there needed to be a variety of data views. As a result, the dashboards include functionality to enable users to:

  • compare seclusion measures nationally, by individual DHB and within Forensic services
  • explore seclusion event data per 100,000 population and 1,000 bednights
  • filter by prioritised ethnicity, gender and age
  • identify when seclusion is used and for how long
  • understand how frequently tāngata whai ora experience seclusion more than once during an inpatient admission.

There is still work to be done, and the KPI Programme team will continue to refine the dashboards based on sector feedback while progressing the development of other indicators. You can provide real time feedback to the team by using the Send Feedback button at the bottom of each web page.

If you have any questions about the new seclusion data dashboards or require support to access or use the data visualisation tools, don’t hesitate to contact the team at

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