In this session we follow up the Benchmarking Breakout held on 23 February 2023, facilitated by Simon Hughes from Emerge Aotearoa. Join us to discuss progress and actions that you have made since we last explored the continuity of care indicator dashboard on 23 February.
This session is open to anyone across Aotearoa who is delivering mental health and addiction services and has a passion for benchmarking to drive continuous improvement and the equity of health outcomes for tāngata whai ora, whānau and communities. Those who did not attend the 23 February breakout are also welcome to attend.
All benchmarking breakouts are run in a wānanga style. They are informal spaces where our workforce can ask questions and contribute safely with peers. Please feel free to bring questions and share challenges you may be experiencing in your service. Please note benchmarking breakouts are not recorded.
If this sounds like something you may be interested in, click here to register.