Sector Leaders’ Day
We look forward to meeting with those leaders working with infants, children, young people and their whānau.
The day will include:
- An update from the Ministry of Health
- Youth Primary Mental Health and Addiction Service Development
- Growing the Youth Peer Workforce in Aotearoa
- Integration and collaborative ways of working between Primary Care, NGOs and DHBs
- Working with Youth Consumer Advisors- 2 perspectives: YCA and the team
- National panel discussion on service response to COVID challenges, members include Primary Care, NGO and DHB clinicians
Sector Leaders’ Days are an opportunity to:
- Get up-to-date information from the Ministry of Health and national agencies
- Share innovative practice and service development ideas
- Foster networking and leadership support nationwide
- Address challenges faced within the sector
Who attends Sector Leader Days?
Clinical and service leads from ICAMHS/AOD services and planning and funding managers from DHBs. People in senior roles in mental health and addictions services across the DHBs, NGOs and Primary Care. We also invite and encourage attendance from leaders in other sectors (education, child welfare, youth justice, etc.) who work with infants, children young people and their whānau.
There is no cost to attend these events.
The full agenda will sent out closer to the date.
Click here to register for Sector Leaders’ Day