Join us as we use the whānau engagement dashboard to uncover insights and identify areas for service improvement. Facilitated by Alice Evatt, Family Whānau Advisor, Te Whatu Ora Nelson Marlborough, we will discuss trends and patterns that have been observed and what this means for service users and the mental health sector. To get the full
Join Danny Mollan in this special presentation to explore the Aotearoa New Zealand Privacy Act from the perspective of people who access services. Wānanga with Danny as he provides practical examples of how our privacy legislation can be used to share information in ways that reduce harm and ensure the best experiences and outcomes for
Join us as we use the continuity of care dashboards to uncover insights and identify areas for service improvement. We will discuss trends and patterns that have been observed and what this means for service users and the mental health sector. To get the full utility of this session, we recommend having a look at
Join us as we use the 7-day follow up indicator to uncover insights and identify areas for service improvement. Facilitated by James Scarlett, Service and Relationship Manager, Pathways and Real, we will discuss trends and patterns that have been observed and what this means for service users and the mental health sector. To get the
Join Danny Mollan in this special presentation to explore the Aotearoa New Zealand Privacy Act from the perspective of people delivering mental health and addiction services. Wānanga with Danny as he provides practical examples of how our privacy legislation can be used to collect data and share information in ways that reduce harm and ensure
Join us as we use the seclusion indicator to uncover insights and identify areas for service improvement. Facilitated by Tashana Poblete, Quality Improvement Coordinator | Lead Quality Advisor, Towards Zero Seclusion: Safety & Dignity for All, | Mental Health, Addiction & Intellectual Disability Service (MHAIDS) | Te-Upoko-me-Te-Karu-o-Te-Ika Capital, Coast, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa Te Whatu
Join us as we use the 28-day readmission dashboards to uncover insights and identify areas for service improvement. Facilitated by Steve McGinnity, Analyst, Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley Te Whatu Ora, we will discuss trends and patterns that have been observed and what this means for service users and the mental health sector. To get
This training will give participants an understanding of the Family Connections programme and practical skills to deliver the education to whānau. Date: Thursday 28th September and Friday 29th September 2023 Venue: Liggins Theatre, Level 1, Cornwall Complex, Greenlane Clinical Centre Trainers: Dr Tessa Brudevold-Iversen and Dr Maria Sampson Total Cost: $250 for the two-day
Join us as we use the wait times dashboards to uncover insights and identify areas for service improvement. We will discuss trends and patterns that have been observed and what this means for service users and the mental health system in general. Facilitated by Abigail McDonald, Youth Consumer Advisor, Whāraurau and Emma Williams, Clinical Coordinator
Information about Te Whatu Ora workforce is collated quarterly by the Health Workforce Information Programme. Te Pou uses this information to estimate the mental health and addiction workforce regionally and nationally in the more than numbers workforce data reports . There are now opportunities to explore more regular reporting through the creation of workforce information
Te Pou surveyed NGOs about their workforce size and challenges in 2022, 2018, and 2014. Te Whatu Ora would like other available information be used to estimate the workforce on a more regular basis in-between these survey periods. There are now opportunities to explore more regular reporting through the creation of workforce information dashboards for
Thursday 26 October 2023, 10am to 3:30pm Co-hosted by Te Pou, The KPI Programme, Tūtohi and Atamira Platform Trust. Are you keen to explore and understand the value of the mental health and addiction data set we call PRIMHD? Do you want to connect with others from across the mental health and addiction workforce