
Please join with the Whāriki community at our next he aka hui to hear from about the amazing mahi led by the lived experience team at Odyssey. Innovative lived support and peer expertise, 26th August 2021, 1 - 2pm: Peer support teams from Odyssey Auckland are using innovative approaches in environments that can be challenging


KPI Programme monthly benchmarking breakout


Topic: Learning how to use and interpret the wait times data dashboards What is a benchmarking breakout? The purpose of benchmarking breakouts is for attendees to connect around topical sector issues and use the data dashboard indicators to explore and ask questions about what the current data is saying to uncover insights and learnings that


Training for Mārama Real-Time Feedback


On Thursday 23 September from 11am to 12pm, Mark Smith from Te Pou and Jack Gribben from CBG Health Research are hosting an online training session for Mārama Real-Time Feedback (Mārama RTF). The training session will provide an overview of Mārama RTF as a feedback mechanism for tāngata whai ora and whānau, and how Mārama


An important kaupapa facing Māori and vaccinations with Whāriki, he Aka Hui coming up to share with your networks! This month’s hui looks at the barriers and solutions to vaccination uptake for Māori. We will explore what factors have inhibited vaccination participation and the strategies that are working to engage whānau and protect whakapapa. This


KPI Programme presents: Dr. Ganesh Nana, Chair of the Productivity Commission

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Topic: How do we use data to take practical action to achieve equity? Join the KPI Programme on 14 October to gain critical insights from the Chair of the New Zealand Productivity Commission, Dr. Ganesh Nana about how data can be used to take practical actions to achieve equity. About Dr. Ganesh Nana Ganesh is


Feedback following the most recent Whāriki Aka Hui on Māori and COVID-19 on 30 September indicated a strong desire for more information through a further hui. Join this event for a deeper dive into the issues and the solutions to inform providers. The focus this time will be on rangatahi and lived experience. Click here


Availability and demand for remotely delivered wellbeing support has increased exponentially during COVID-19. One of the short-term actions from Kia Manawanui Aotearoa (Long-term pathway to mental wellbeing) is to facilitate access to digitally-enabled support for individuals, whānau, communities and services. In this He Aka Hui, we will hear about digital wellbeing solutions and how they


Topic: Improving workforce cultural competency using Let's get real The ability to measure and understand mental health and addiction workforce cultural competency has increasingly become a critical need identified by KPI Programme participants. Cultural competence means people have an awareness of cultural diversity, combined with the ability to work effectively and respectfully when supporting people


Whāriki He Aka Hui | Workforce pathways to learning made easy


There are a range courses and programmes available across Te Manawa Taki and nationally for the MHA workforce. These options can be difficult to navigate, especially for people who do not know which pathway to take. So, Te Manawa Taki has developed a visual framework to support people navigating the myriad of options, on an


Topic: Learn to use the new seclusion data dashboards. The new seclusion data dashboards include a range of functionality designed to support users to uncover insights and learnings to inform continuous service improvement initiatives. Join the KPI Programme team via Zoom on Thursday 2 December 2021 from 9:30am to 10:30am to learn how to optimise


Learn more about the Hira programme


The widely anticipated Hira programme - formerly known as the National Health Information Platform (nHIP), will transform the way health information is accessed and fundamentally change the way people interact with the health and disability system. Hira will be delivered through a partnership approach. Health IT vendors will have opportunities to develop and build Hira


“Listen to the people. They will tell you what to do.” – Judge Ken Mason Submissions to the 2018 Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction gave a clear signal that the current Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992 is out of step with human rights and modern models of mental health care.